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Being a Cub Scout

It’s more than uniforms and Den meetings. It’s about being a part of something that is rich in history, driven by tradition, and filled with adventure. Together with your peers, you will learn invaluable lessons in teamwork, responsibility, and striving to be your best. All while having fun! Consider it playtime, but with a purpose. The Cub Scouts will allow you to grow with each challenge, while instilling skills that will last a lifetime. And who knows, maybe even building friendships that will last for years to come. Take the time to discover Pack 326. And be ready for Adventure!

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Uniforms are important for our Cub Scouts and our leaders. Wearing the BSA's official "Field Uniform", also commonly known as a "Class A" uniform, is a way for Cub Scouts to show their pack pride and display awards and ranks they earn. With the uniform, your Scout will proudly display adventure belt loops, earned rank emblems, and other awards.

Parents/guardians must purchase the required uniform and attach the emblems, badges and patches. An age-appropriate rank handbook is also required.

Uniform Shopping List:

  1. Short sleeve Cub Scout Shirt

  2. Den hat

  3. Council shoulder patch

  4. World Scouting Crest

  5. Cub Scout web belt

  6. Neckerchief

  7. Slide for neckerchief

  8. Den handbook

  9. Scout pants are optional

The pack will provide each Scout the following upon signing up:

  1. Pack numerals

You may purchase your Scout's Class-A uniform and handbook at the Naperville or St. Charles Scout Shops.

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Class B Shirt

Pack 326 utilizes an optional Class B t-shirt with a custom Pack 326 logo. Class B t-shirts do not replace the the required Field/Class A uniform.

Class B t-shirt are often used for campouts, hikes, certain service projects, and other pack events. They are a great way to show your pack pride at non-pack events. Class B’s are available for scouts, parents, and siblings.

Class B t-shirts are purchased directly from the pack. Contact the Cubmaster to get yours.


Brag Vest

Brag vests are optional and can be worn with the Class A uniform. Brag vests are a great way to show off all the places and activities scouts have been or participated in. Should you choose to have a a brag vest Pack 326 will give you the Three Fires Council center patch.



There are many ways we stay connected to our families:

• Pack 326 Website

The website is full of information. It contains basic information, lists pack events, calendars, forms, and photo gallery.

• Pack 326 Facebook Page

This private Facebook page is the best way to stay up to date with news and events. It’s also a place to see photos of all our events. Be sure to request to join the group and follow all the fun.

• Email

The Cubmaster, Den Leaders, Popcorn Kernel, and other leaders will keep you informed through email.

• Text/SMS

Den leaders may form a group text chain to keep you up to date on any last minute changes in meetings or pack news.

• Meetings

Attending den meetings and pack meetings is often the best place to get information and pack news.


Pack 326 Membership Inquiry Form

Please fill out this from and a leader will reach out to you.